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Father Oleg Molenko Answers Questions

Alexander Mikhailov, Canada

Father Oleg,
what is your attitude towards Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ"?
May God save you.

  Father Oleg's Answer

In spite of all unavoidable failings and inaccuracies of this film, I think of it as of a useful and positive phenomenon. To me, given the conventions of the genre, it has become a beautiful and authentic illustration of the passion of our Savior Jesus Christ pictured with modern means of cinematography. I would call this video sequence a cinematographic "icon" of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. By means of watching this video sequence in the right spirit, there are being born attrition and weeping of one's evil implication to the sufferings of our Lord. It's also for my sin that He was suffering all of that.

After watching this film which I consider to be a certain spiritual fruit of the author, I have radically changed my attitude towards Mel Gibson himself. It is obvious to me that it's impossible to create such canvas without the Holy Spirit's influence.

May the Lord cover the multitude of Mel's sins and save his soul for this worthy reminder to the apostate world of the incredible sufferings and victimization our Savior went through for each one of us!

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Fr. Oleg Molenko