Repent, for the Lord is coming to judge.

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Testimony of servant of God Oleg B, Ukraine

March 1997 - from a letter to the congregation
(at that time Father Oleg was a prisoner for Christ's sake)

Give Your blessing, O Lord! Be Thou blessed, O Lord!

I wish to all of our congregation that our Shepherd and spiritual father - Father Oleg, would soon return from the prison.

By the prayers of the Mother of God and of all the saints and of all of our Church, the Lord will miraculously lead our Father Oleg out of the prison. Glory be to You, O Lord!

As for me, the most unrighteous and sinful man in this world - let the will of God be done. Let it be so! Praise the Lord!

We shared the same cell for almost six months with Father Oleg. I am thankful to the Lord that He brought us together even for such a short time. By that He gave me a chance to be saved, no, not to be released, but to save my soul! It's not important as to how much more time I'll spend in prison because I know that having believed and being here, I suffer no longer for my own sins only but also for the Lord, for the Faith, for the True One. This I will never deny.

I consider myself even luckier than all of you who are free because you didn't have the opportunity that our Lord Jesus Christ gave me to absorb around-the-clock, like a "sponge", all that is good and right which is being poured out on you, if you indeed want it. This is the favor of God towards Father Oleg. Father Oleg is a saint. There is no one like him, we are lucky to know him. Father Oleg is a saint, it's not an exaggeration, not a flattery, it's true holiness which all of you have sensed both during services and while fellowshipping with Father Oleg.

Peace be to all of you!
Praise the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Servant of God Oleg

+ + +

May 1998 - from a letter to the congregation
(at that time Father Oleg was accepted in Canada as a persecuted priest of the true Orthodoxy)

. . .

I'm very happy for Father Oleg, praise the Lord, all of his prophecies come true.

I've known about the release of Father Oleg (up to the month) and about his future ministry in Canada from his lips since 1996.

The Lord never forgets His saints and Father Oleg is one!

Servant of God Oleg

© 2000-2022 Church of St. John the Theologian
Fr. Oleg Molenko