Testimony of servant of God Olga D.
Dear Fr.Oleg!
Please bless me, the guilty one, and my family!
I’d like to write to you about what happened after I
confessed to you in November. To speak the truth I did
not believe that your service held great power. Then I
became extremely impressed, or better to say
astonished. I did not tell you that after a quite
complicated birth of my child I was diagnosed with
postpartum clefts, which, as I thought, would get
healed with a conservative treatment. Well, they
didn’t. Of course I prayed to God and trusted in His
help. But my prayers were not answered. Later on my
sickness became chronic and I expected to be operated
on and was thinking only when to do it.
The next day after I received the prayer for forgiveness
I suddenly realized that I did not feel any pain. I wondered why?
I had not changed anything in my life, was not taking
any medicine. To make a long story short my clefts
healed within a day. Most important they were open the
previous day and healed the next.
I did not write about it immediately because I doubted
– what if it was a temporary phenomenon. But one month
passed and everything’s fine. I can’t explain this by
autosuggestion since I did not tell you about it.
Generally speaking I did not expect an immediate
deliverance after confession. Neither after I sent my
confession, nor after I received the prayer for forgiveness
(I was expecting it for appr. a month). Not
because I did not believe, I had just resigned myself
to it.
I at first wanted to write my testimony without
specifying my sickness but was not sure if it would be
persuasive. But I decided to write anyway because what
happened is just astonishing.
Thank you very much for what you are doing!
God save you!
Olga D.